Thursday, June 2, 2011
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Happy New Year!
Well, it is 2010, I can hardly believe it. Jason and I spent New Years Eve with good friends, a tradition that we have done now for the past couple of years. Shortly after the New Year we headed off to Phoenix for the Frogs' BCS game. We had a wonderful trip and got to see lots of friends. Unfortunately, the game did not turn out how we had wanted, but it was a great season and they will be back. Now we are just trying to settle into what 2010 holds for us. Amazingly, we do not have a lot planned for the year. Jason is training for a half Iron Man in April with the TCU tri-club and working on a cycling certification while still doing a wonderful job in his new position at SDS. HR and Cathedral Rock are still wonderful places for me to be.
If I were to write about all of the cute and adorable things that Caleb has been doing I would be writing forever. He just gets bigger and says more everyday. We are definitely all boy. One of new favorite things is to play football. To properly play, you must get in a 3-point stance. Ready, set, HUT! Then you charge Daddy, Mommy, Aunt Lacey or however is on the opposite side of you. We also like to kick our football off the tee that Grampie gave us for Christmas. We have also learned that Target is where a lot of our toys come from. When we told him we were going grocery shopping at Target last night he replied with, "Caleb is getting a new toy!" We now want a chicken sandwich when we go to Chick-fil-a instead of nuggets. We are officially the tallest in our class at school and are able to pedal our bike with ease now.
However the funniest thing lately is our adventures into the world of potty training. Let me leave you with this charming story. Last night when it was time to get dressed for bed, I sat Caleb on the toilet to try and potty. He is too big for the toilet training seat, so he has to hold himself up on the grown up seat. He is pushing and pushing and pushing to the point where I am worried he is going to hurt himself. "Mommy, I'm trying REALLY hard," he tells me and I am so proud of him. He asked me for some M's (we get M&M's when we go teetee or poop on the potty). I told him that and then all hell broke loose. Here is my child, trying not to fall in the toilet, sobbing, "I want to go poopoo!" He then had to learn the difficult lesson that even though you might want to go poop, really bad, sometimes you just don't have to go. I did eventually give in and give 1 M for effort. He tried SO hard!
Here are a few videos from over Christmas to share with you.
If I were to write about all of the cute and adorable things that Caleb has been doing I would be writing forever. He just gets bigger and says more everyday. We are definitely all boy. One of new favorite things is to play football. To properly play, you must get in a 3-point stance. Ready, set, HUT! Then you charge Daddy, Mommy, Aunt Lacey or however is on the opposite side of you. We also like to kick our football off the tee that Grampie gave us for Christmas. We have also learned that Target is where a lot of our toys come from. When we told him we were going grocery shopping at Target last night he replied with, "Caleb is getting a new toy!" We now want a chicken sandwich when we go to Chick-fil-a instead of nuggets. We are officially the tallest in our class at school and are able to pedal our bike with ease now.
However the funniest thing lately is our adventures into the world of potty training. Let me leave you with this charming story. Last night when it was time to get dressed for bed, I sat Caleb on the toilet to try and potty. He is too big for the toilet training seat, so he has to hold himself up on the grown up seat. He is pushing and pushing and pushing to the point where I am worried he is going to hurt himself. "Mommy, I'm trying REALLY hard," he tells me and I am so proud of him. He asked me for some M's (we get M&M's when we go teetee or poop on the potty). I told him that and then all hell broke loose. Here is my child, trying not to fall in the toilet, sobbing, "I want to go poopoo!" He then had to learn the difficult lesson that even though you might want to go poop, really bad, sometimes you just don't have to go. I did eventually give in and give 1 M for effort. He tried SO hard!
Here are a few videos from over Christmas to share with you.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I hope you enjoy the slide show below. It is a compilation of a few different things we have done over the past 2 months. I did not grab all of the picture Cd's that I needed so I will be adding some pictures to it over the next couple of days, so make sure to check back. I know I always say I am going to do better about this blog, but it has to happen! Caleb is changing and growing up so fast and I know that alot of you do not get to see him as much as you would want to. He is such a boy. We have a video from Disney that I will try to post as well. Here are the events you are looking at:
-Birthday Party
-Clemson game (I have a group picture of the fam from this that I will post)
-Birthday Party (random picture of Jason and I dressed as Germans...just thought it was fun)
We hope everyone is doing well and hope to see you soon!
-Birthday Party
-Clemson game (I have a group picture of the fam from this that I will post)
-Birthday Party (random picture of Jason and I dressed as Germans...just thought it was fun)
We hope everyone is doing well and hope to see you soon!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Hello Again
So, I did really well for a while, but I am back. We have started the crazy, crazy summer days. Last weekend the family traveled to Houston to celebrate Lacey's 22nd birthday and Erin's graduation from High School. Caleb had a fabulous time. KK bought him his first tricycle, which he loves, as well as a new bouncy ball that is so much fun. We also went swimming at Uncle Mark's where Caleb received his first REAL set of golf clubs, mini driver and all!
Jason, Lacey and I dropped Caleb off at Grampie and Mimi's for the week before we headed home to Fort Worth. It as definitely been weird being at home without him, but he is having such a blast. Dad told me, "I don't know what you are paying your daycare, but it is not enough." They have gone swimming, rode bikes, played at the park, went to the zoo...all sorts of great grandchild spoiling has been going on.
This weekend I am running off to New Braunfels with some girls from work (see picture above) to go down the Comal while Jason hangs here with the boy and J's parents. He is competing in his second tri on Sunday. Please everyone be thinking about him. I will try to keep everyone up to date on our crazy summer travels and schedule.
Dates to Remember:
Caleb Birthday Party Aug. 8th
Jason Dirty 30! Aug. 22nd
Thursday, March 5, 2009

So, it has been a couple weeks, but it is better then waiting a whole year to do another post. Lots have happened in the Eagar world since we last spoke. Caleb had his 18 month check up. I can not believe how old he is already. I just want to chare measurements and percentiles with everyone. Height:35'' (97%) Weight: 33 lbs 8 oz (upper 97%) Head: 19.75'' Needless to say he is healthy and basically perfect! Caleb and I made a trip to Houston with Aunt Lacey to celebrate Hunter's (Cousin Jackie's son) 1st birthday. Of course Juju put on the best 1 year-old birthday you have ever seen. We also got to celebrate PaPaw's birthday with everyone, which was really fun! We also got to see Aunt Jennie and the crew last weekend. Our life is full with family and friends. We are so lucky to be loved by many.
Caleb has also had a few milestones since the last time we spoke. This weekend he actually went to the potty and wanted to ta
ke his pants off and sit on it. Of course, we did not actually potty, but it was very exciting. I KNOW IT IS EARLY, but let me live in my fantasy world that he will be potty trained by 2, please! He has also taken on the job of letting the dogs in from the backyard, now that he can open the screen door. Last night he let Brecken in and Maui did not follow. He stood with the door open and with his sweet little voice said "MauMau...MauMau", which he has seen Jason and I do a million times. When she finally came he said "Tank to". In case you did not know, that is Caleb language for "thank you". And the straw that broke the camel's back was he finally put two words together that he did not learn together. He said "bye bye puppies" and "bye bye momma". I know I sound stupid but it was so exciting. Even more exciting was that he called me momma. Lately he has been calling Jason, momma and me, dadda. We are making progress!!
This weekend we will be hanging out with Jordan and Trace. I think the plan is to make it to at least one TCU baseball game, Joe T's for a meal and whatever else they want to do. Then on Sunday, we will be making a trip to the TCU baseball game, given that it is Kid's run the bases. For all of you that remember, we will be getting Caleb's picture sitting on 1st base and sliding into home (if he will let me). I think it is going to be a yearly thing.
We love all of you and hope that you feel as blessed in your lives as we do in our's!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
So this is my post for the week. I am so proud of myself. So, little man decided that he wanted a little of someone else's lunch at day care and to play with someone else's toy. Oh yeah, we have a big cut on our cheek and a bite mark on our arm. Battle scare of being a toddler I guess. We leave for Denver on Friday. Caleb will be spending some much needed time with Gram and Granddaddy while Mommy and Daddy go skiing for the first time in 5 years. Please say a little pray for our safety. Then next weekend Caleb and Mommy will go down to Houston to celebrate Mr. Hunter's 1st birthday with the rest of the gang (oh, and PaPaw is having a birthday too).
Here's a pic of the "king" sleeping with all of his subjects. As Jason said last night, "All my rowdy friends are coming over tonight." Hope everyone is good. Drop us a line!
always - Lauren
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