Wednesday, May 14, 2008

So my mom and dad are really bad at updating this thing.  I can't wait till I learn how to use the computer and keep you updated on my life all on my own.  Here is a video of my latest accomplishment.  Mom and Dad are pretty excited about it and always make a big deal when I get from one place to the other.  I don't think they realize just what they are in for.  The bottom shelf of the sofa table looks like fun.

Mom and Dad are deserting me this weekend to go to Mexico with Uncle Rob and Aunt Lauren.  I'm okay with it though because I get to stay with Gram and Granddaddy, as well as play with Mabry and Blake.  They think I am moving now?  Just wait until I chase a 5 and 3 year old around for 5 days.

Hope to see you all soon.  Maybe they will get better about helping me with the blog, but I'm not promising anything.

Love always,

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