Can you believe that little man will be 18 months on Friday? I was going through some of his old clothes this weekend to get ready for a garage sale and could not believe how little he used to be. Granted, he did not wear 0-3 months very long, but they are still so tiny. The Eagar's held what they hope to be an annual garage sale this weekend and got rid of ALOT of junk. Those who frequent the Texas Eagar's household will be amazed the next time you journey to the upstairs. Who knew it was that big? Caleb did however take a digger on the driveway and has a beautiful red raspberry on his forehead to show for it. Perfect timing for the family picture appt. I had made for Sunday. Jason and I went out with some friends Saturday night and had a wonderful time.
On to Super Sunday...we went to Sunday School. Caleb refused to take his backpack off once we got to the nursery, so he was totally "that" kid walking around with his backpack on. Then he refused to take a nap. Why not? We only skipped church so we could make sure to get a good nap in before the pictures. The pictures did go well. He is not very good at posing...lots of shots, few good ones. I do not see "child model" in his future.
Caleb and I did however get to stay home from the Trinka's Super Bowl Extravaganza, because after no nap we were not going to be a good party guest. Daddy went and represented the fam with a good time though.
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